LWF supports warning system our emergency preparedness

Village authority is installing warning system


Viengphoukha district, Laungnamtha province

''It is great to have installed warning system for our community, this is not just to help us in emergency preparedness but this is also equipment for us to obtain information and knowledge that really useful for us and the communities’’ Mr Kamkor a village head in LWF project target village in Viengphoukha district said.

LWF has been undertaken different forms of activities to handle disaster risk management and emergency preparedness response in target villages to ensure that villagers have knowledge and understanding the causes and impact and live in the safe environment.

'‘The project promotes sustainable use of natural resources and environment friendly practices to the villagers, so that they learn how to start from themselves’’ Mr Khambay Lattanasoubanh LWF Project Officer said.

Apart from conducting of awareness campaigns and provision of capacity building to the village authorities, LWF also supports sound systems to function warning system in the communities. The village head, women and youth unions have been established as village taskforces and trained to run the process in the villages.

'‘They are not just taskforce in the communities but they also make the use of the system more advantage to the community, the head village and members no need to walk long distance to call for a meeting, young people aware of related social issues such as use of drug, STD, HIV/AID and others’’ Ms Sitom Keotaniya, LWF Community Empowerment Facilitator mentioned.

Mr Kamkor also added that ‘‘since the project has been given supports to our village, I’ve observed a lot of changes, we are able to manage our village more better, disciplines are in place, decrease of social issues including illegal timber, deforestation and access to adequate resources’’